Friday, May 22, 2009

Whats New

Well I finally was notified that I was going to go to the Academy and then the state started laying people off . It looks like I won't be going. They will probably cancel the class in July. Bummer. I have started riding my bike from work. I take the commuter bus in and then ride the 25 miles home. I have found a great trail and it makes riding a lot easier cause I don't have to deal with traffic or lights and stuff. I am on the road a bit but about 10% of the ride but that's ok.

Steve and I went to Madison's dance recital for the High School dance group she is in. She did really well. She was in 4 or 5 dances. None of the pictures I took turned out well enough to post so you guys will just have to believe me that it was great.

The weather has been beautiful lately. I really appreciate it now that I am riding home. Not much else going on so everybody have a great day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bummer about the academy! I'm feeling it for you. Hopefully, it will work out sooner than later!!